bookmark_borderEY invests $100 million to expand blockchain product suite, launches DeFi contract simulator

Ernst & Young is investing $100 million into targeting enterprise DeFi with its latest suite of Blockchain Analyzer products.

“Big Four” accounting firm, Ernst & Young Global Limited, or EY, is continuing to invest heavily in blockchain, investing $100 million into engineering and developing distributed ledger technologies for a range of enterprise applications.

On May 17, EY revealed its second-generation of Smart Contract & Token Review tools through its EY Blockchain Analyzer product suite, including a testing studio allowing simulated smart contract execution for complex decentralized finance, or DeFi, applications.

“The new iteration supports multiple new capabilities that are expected to be used in complex DeFi contract ecosystems,” EY announced, adding:

“It offers a blend of compliance testing with traditional code review, and it supports customized smart contract tests and simulation of mainnet transactions.”

Yael Tamar, the co-founder of asset tokenization firm, SolidBlock, recounted using the new studio to review smart contracts for property-backed security tokens, stating: “It was very beneficial to simulate how our contracts could perform on the network prior to deployment and test the contracts against widely known attacks in this market.”

EY also revealed that Italian beer company, Birra Peroni, is using its Ethereum-based supply chain solution, “EY Opschain Traceability.” Peroni is using the supply train tracker to notarize company information and will mint nonfungible tokens to identify and track data for batches of Peroni beer.

EY also announced the contribution of source code to a zero-knowledge-proof prototype compiler in the public domain. The firm’s latest ZKP protocol, “Starlight,” was built to address concerns over preserving commercial confidentiality on a shared network.

Alongside Microsoft and ConsenSys, EY launched the enterprise-focused smart contract and tokenization protocol, Baseline Protocol, during March of last year. The protocol leverages the Ethereum mainnet as middleware while ensuring robust privacy protections for network participants, offering enterprises a means to transact on distributed networks without exposing sensitive data to network counterparties.

Speaking to Cointelegraph last week, Baseline executive director, John Wolpert, emphasized the efficiency savings and unique utilities offered by blockchain technologies across the supply chain.

bookmark_borderAscendEX 平台币 BTMX 将更名为 ASD ,并更换智能合约

链闻消息,加密货币交易平台 AscendEX 顶峰将于北京时间 5 月 25 日 11:00 起正式将 BTMX (BitMax 平台币)、BTMXP (私募未释放的 BTMX)和 BTMXS (永久锁仓的 BTMX)更名为 ASD、ASDP 和 ASDS,并更换 BTMX 和 BTMXS 的智能合约。

AscendEX 将在更改代币名称后暂停 BTMX 交易及链上充提币,未成交订单不会被取消,BTMX 和 BTMXP 内部划转可正常使用。5 月 25 日 11:10,AscendEX 平台用户账户内的 BTMX 和 BTMXP 资产会变为 ASD 和 ASDP,并开放 ASD/USDT、ASD/BTC 以及 ASDP/USDT 交易;ASD 充提币将于 5 月 26 日 0:00 开放。

原文链接:AscendEX 平台币 BTMX 将更名为 ASD ,并更换智能合约

bookmark_borderCoinbase 拟发行 2026 年到期的 12.5 亿美元可转债

链闻消息,Coinbase 计划发行 2026 年到期的 12.5 亿美元可转债。Coinbase 还预计将向票据的初始购买者提供 30 天的选择权,购买额外本金高达 1.875 亿美元的票据,用于支付超额配售。这些票据将是 Coinbase 优先支付的无担保债务,将每半年支付一次利息,并于 2026 年 6 月 1 日到期,除非提前回购,赎回或转换。

原文链接:Coinbase 拟发行 2026 年到期的 12.5 亿美元可转债

bookmark_borderGalaxy Digital 发布 Q1 财报:净综合收入为 8.6 亿美元,环比增加 156%

链闻消息,加密投行和上市公司 Galaxy Digital 发布 2021 年第一季度财务数据,其中净综合收入从上一季度的 3.36 亿美元增至 8.6 亿美元,增长的主要原因来源于数字资产投资和交易业务收入;资产管理规模(AUM)在该季度增长了 58%;对手方贷款发起量增长了 510%。该公司在第一季度的更新为已任命 Erin Brown 为首席运营官,Erin Brown 曾担任 Jump Trading 的首席风险官还有 DRW 的全球财资和运营主管。此外 Galaxy Digital 将要收购美国合规加密货币托管商 BitGo。

原文链接:Galaxy Digital 发布 Q1 财报:净综合收入为 8.6 亿美元,环比增加 156%

bookmark_border波场生态 Bridge Oracle CEO 于伊朗被捕,警方称其「破坏经济系统」

链闻消息,波场生态 Bridge Oracle CEO Sina Estavi 在伊朗被捕,警方称其「破坏经济系统」,并剥夺 Twitter 账户控制权。伊朗警察已于其 Twitter 发布相关声明。

Bridge Oracle 为马来西亚区块链公司,但 Sina Estavi 旗下另一家合资加密货币交易所 Cryptoland 于伊朗运营。

原文链接:波场生态 Bridge Oracle CEO 于伊朗被捕,警方称其「破坏经济系统」