bookmark_border开放公链 Starcoin 主网正式启动

链闻消息,开放公链 Starcoin 主网已于 Barnard 网络高度达 310,000 时正式启动,即 2021 年 5 月 18 日 北京时间 2021.5.18 日 12:15 。此高度区块的哈希已作为 Starcoin 主网创始块的父哈希,并生成创世区块: 0x80848150abee7e9a3bfe9542a019eb0b8b01f124b63b011f9c338fdb935c417d

Starcoin 是一个按分层方式架构并为分布式金融而设计的区块链项目,灵感来自于 Facebook 2019 年发布的 Libra,目标是建立一套简单为普通用户服务的金融基础设施,并使用了其专门为分布式金融网络及数字资产设计的智能合约语言 Move,实现成开放的无许可公链。

原文链接:开放公链 Starcoin 主网正式启动

bookmark_borderElon Musk impersonators make bank as crypto scammers’ profits surge

Scammers are impersonating Elon Musk and other prominent crypto figures to dupe naive investors out of their coins at an accelerated rate.

The United States Federal Trade Commission has found that crypto scammers’ profits spiked in the last two months, noting a surge in fraudulent impersonators posing as prominent figures associated with digital assets, such as Elon Musk. 

The findings report that cryptocurrency investment scams rose sharply in October 2020 as the impacts of coronavirus pandemic and lockdown deepened, with nearly 7,000 people reporting losses of more than $80 million to digital asset scams over the six months that followed.

The FTC’s Consumer Sentinel notes many of the thefts arose from giveaway scams where con artists pose as celebrities or crypto influencers and falsely promise to multiply cryptocurrency deposits sent to their wallet. More than $2 million in digital assets were to Elon Musk impersonators over the past six months.

The data shows an overall increase in losses to crypto scams by roughly twelve times year-over-year. The median loss reported by victims has also spiked nearly 1,000% to $1,900 in 12 months.

On May 11, Business Insider reported that fraudsters took advantage of the Tesla CEO’s appearance on the Saturday Night Live show on May 8 to pocket $5 million worth of DOGE.

The report asserts scammers set up fraudulent live streams on YouTube targeting viewers searching for “Elon Musk SNL.” These bogus broadcasts promoted links to spurious websites that viewers could purportedly visit to receive Dogecoin, with one claiming: “Elon Musk has devoted 500,000,000 DOGE to be distributed to all DOGE holders. Anybody can get some, just visit the website.”

Victims were asked to transfer DOGE to a fake address to double their holdings. As of Sunday, May 9, the FTC identified scam addresses that had received about 9.7 million Dogecoin worth $5 million.

The FTC noted that individuals aged 20-to-49 are five times more likely than older age groups to report losing money in a cryptocurrency investment scam. Those in their 20s and 30s lost more money to investment scams than any other form of fraud over the six months, with more than half of their investment scam losses in crypto assets.

bookmark_borderNervos 上 NFT 平台金色传说上线,已与网易文创等多家平台和个人 IP 达成合作

链闻消息,基于 Nervos (CKB)的首个 NFT 平台「金色传说」正式上线。「金色传说」由 Nervina Labs 团队推出,是一个专门发行 NFT 的 SaaS 平台,主要针对有影响力的机构及个人。

目前,Nervina Labs 已同网易文创三三工作室、区块链咨询公司 WXY 等多家平台、公司和个人 IP 达成合作,将从娱乐、艺术、体育、文创、游戏、金融、时尚等多个领域进行技术服务和商业场景落地。后续,Nervina Labs 将成为面向整体互联网世界的 NFT 技术整体解决方案供应商。

原文链接:Nervos 上 NFT 平台金色传说上线,已与网易文创等多家平台和个人 IP 达成合作

bookmark_borderEthermine 矿池母公司 Bitfly 支付系统支持 Polygon,将小型矿工每日支付下限降至 0.005ETH

链闻消息,Ethermine 矿池母公司 Bitfly 宣布其支付系统将通过支持以太坊二层扩容 Polygon 网络(原 Matic),将小型矿工每日支付下限降低至 0.005ETH。Bitfly 将从 6 月 1 日允许矿工选择使用 Polygon 方案,对于想要加入 Polygon 的矿工来说,需要连接 MetaMask 钱包,在设置中选择加入 Polygon 支付。

以太坊一层中每日支付下限为 0.1ETH,低于 0.1 ETH 且超过 0.01ETH 的挖矿奖励将会在每个月的 28 号一起发放,取代了之前每两周发放一次的设置。

原文链接:Ethermine 矿池母公司 Bitfly 支付系统支持 Polygon,将小型矿工每日支付下限降至 0.005ETH

bookmark_border1.1M noobs panic sell, but Bitcoin hodlers DGAF

Weak hands are panic selling, but long-term BTC holders have seen it all before.

While new entrants to Bitcoin markets have been panic selling at a loss, the recent market slide has not vexed the old hands.

Heavy selling in response to hints from Elon Musk that Tesla may soon sell its BTC stash saw Bitcoin prices tumble to their lowest levels in 20 weeks as the markets found support near $42,000 on Monday, May 17.

According to on-chain analytics provider, Glassnode, the crash predominantly saw newer traders exiting from their positions at a loss while long-term hodlers stood their ground.

Glassnoded noted Bitcoin’s adjusted Spent Output Profit Ratio (aSOPR), a metric that shows whether BTC was in profit or at a loss when it was last transacted on-chain, fell below 1.0 amid the dip. An aSOPR of less than 1.0 indicates aggregate losses have been realized on-chain and are most pronounced in short-term holders (coins younger than 155-days) — traders that purchased during the 2021 bull market.

The total number of addresses holding a non-zero BTC balance has also retreated by 2.8% from its recent all-time high of 38.7 million as more than one million traders liquidated their positions. Glassnode stated:

“A total of 1.1M addresses have spent all coins they held during this correction, again providing evidence that panic selling is currently underway.”

Glassnode asserted the volatility in the share of supply represented by short-term holders is indicative of panic selling, noting the similarity between recent patterns in supply distribution and those observed amid the macro peak of the 2017 bull season. Markets usually find a macro peak when new holders hold a relatively large portion of the total supply.

Bitcoin total supply held by short term holders: Glassnode

Coins held by short-term holders recently hit a peak of 28% of the circulating supply or around 5.3 million BTC.

Glassnode estimates Bitcoin has shed more than 28% since tagging an all-time high of $63,600 on April 13. The retracement is the deepest correction of the current bull market.