

2019 年,許多大型機構逐漸踏足加密資產行列,包含摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase)、沃爾瑪(Walmart)、亞洲航空(AirAsia)、三菱(Mitsubishi)和騰訊等大型商業巨頭,就連多國政府也漸漸意識到加密資產的重要性,不論這些機構現在抱持的態度如何,但從種種跡象來看,加密貨幣的發展銳不可擋。


iBTCex擁有創新的理念,創新的精神,創新的行動,協助你邁向數字資產的第一步,一站式購買提供賺幣和交易最熱門的數字資產。 我們了解到,許多數字資產的概念可能令人生畏。 不用擔心,我們在這里為您提供幫助。 無論您是初次使用加密貨幣還是資深人士,我們都將竭誠為您服務。



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Disclaimer: Investment involves risks. The price of tokens sometimes fluctuates sharply. The price may go up or down, and may become valueless. Investment may not necessarily make a profit, but may incur losses. Past performance figures are not an indicator of future performance. Before investing, you should read the offering documents, financial and related risk statements of the relevant product, and you should carefully consider your own financial, other conditions and needs and consider whether the investment meets your specific investment needs.