bookmark_borderTurkish crypto exchange acknowledges 2018 breach with 500,000 users’ data stolen

Criminals tried to sell users’ names, ID numbers, emails and addresses on internet forums.

Major Turkish crypto exchange BtcTurk came forward about a data breach from mid-2018 that leaked sensitive information of over 500,000 users. 

According to the official announcement, the stolen data set contains BtcTurk users’ names, citizen ID numbers, emails, addresses, birthdates and mobile phone numbers. 

The stolen data set first appeared on an online forum for sale last Friday with sample information as proof. The seller claimed that the information also contains user selfies with ID, a common approval requirement for crypto exchanges.

Over the weekend, users who came across their personal information in the sample data used crypto Twitter to share their findings. At the time, BtcTurk denied the allegations and stressed that no current data breach is detected.

The company acknowledged the leaked user data on Monday, stating that the data set contains sensitive info of 516,954 users registered to the exchange before July 2018. BtcTurk said that users’ funds were safe. Shortly before the official announcement, the forum thread that was selling the leaked data was removed.

“The leaked data sample is related to a raw data extracted from our database in July 2018 that was about to be shared with one of our partners within the scope of the law.”

BtcTurk security team has deduced that a security breach within the storage medium caused the leak.

User passwords that are part of the leaked data set were irreversibly masked with a PBKDF2 algorithm, which renders any attempt to retrieve passwords impossible with current technology.

The announcement assured users that the balance info, bank accounts, ID selfies, financial passwords and other qualified info are safe. The exchange said that it is reaching out to potential victims of the data leak.

bookmark_borderUS FDIC seeks insight on banks’ role in cryptocurrency markets

The FDIC issued a request for public input to get more information on the industry and consumers’ interests in the market.

The United States Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is looking for information and public comments on banks’ cryptocurrency-related activities.

The FDIC is the major provider of deposit insurance to U.S. commercial and savings banks, originally created to address bank runs during the Great Depression. 

On Monday, the FDIC officially announced a request for public input to get more information on the industry and consumers’ interests in the market as well as the role of banks in the digital asset ecosystem.

“Banks are increasingly exploring several roles in the emerging digital asset ecosystem, such as being custodians, reserve holders, issuers, and exchange or redemption agents; performing node functions; and holding digital asset issuers’ money deposits,” the FDIC stated.

The corporation is particularly looking to improve its understanding of digital asset use cases in financial markets and intermediation, as well as settlement and payment systems. The FDIC is also seeking input on the risk and compliance management of insured depository institutions and their affiliates in conducting digital asset-related activities.

FDIC chairman Jelena McWilliams noted that the public input will help the agency to better understand the market in terms of regulations. 

“At the FDIC, we are laying the foundation for the next chapter of banking by ensuring we have a regulatory framework that allows responsible innovation to flourish. This RFI gives us an opportunity to gain additional insight into the market, and what role banks might play in the future,” McWilliams stated.

The agency’s interest in digital asset use cases for financial institutions comes as U.S. banks actively moving into the crypto industry. In early May, investment bank Goldman Sachs launched a cryptocurrency trading desk, allowing institutional partners to trade derivatives products. Previously, Morgan Stanley added Bitcoin (BTC) exposure to 12 investment funds after announcing plans to offer crypto services to wealthy clients.

bookmark_border虎符交易所创新区将上线去中心化算力金融平台 DMEX 代币 DMC

链闻消息,虎符交易所创新区将于 5 月 18 日 20:00 正式上线去中心化算力金融平台 DMEX 代币 DMC,开放 DMC/USDT 交易对,充值业务现已开启,提现业务将于 5 月 19 日 20:00 开放。虎符为用户准备等值 2 万 USDT 的 DMC 奖励,同时将开启首周充值奖励活动和流动性挖矿活动。

DMEX 是去中心化的算力金融服务平台,当下 DMEX 提供基于 Erc721 协议的 NFT 资产,同时兼容基于以太坊技术架构的智能合约链(比如火币生态链 HECO 等),打通其他 DeFi 协议,拓延算力 NFT 使用场景,一站式解决用户痛点。平台以其代币 DMC 为生态价值链接,致力于构建基于 DMEX 的全球社区生态联盟。

原文链接:虎符交易所创新区将上线去中心化算力金融平台 DMEX 代币 DMC

bookmark_borderParadigm 聘请公关负责人和交易及加密业务主管

链闻消息,加密投资基金 Paradigm 在近期聘请了多位员工和高管,其中,Twitter 以及公关公司爱德曼的前高管 Jim Prosser 将从下个月开始加入 Paradigm 担任公关负责人,高频交易公司 Jump Trading 前交易员 Kevin Pang 已加入 Paradigm 担任交易和加密业务主管。

原文链接:Paradigm 聘请公关负责人和交易及加密业务主管


链闻消息,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)发布公告,将收集信息并征求有关方面对美国银行与数字资产相关活动的使用情况,以及风险和合规性的意见,用以管理此类活动。公告要求成员银行在 2021 年 7 月 16 日前提供在支付、结算、储备金持有、保管和投资方面的数字资产信息。

