bookmark_border链上结构化产品 Ribbon 将推出基于看跌期权的资管产品 Puts Theta Vault

链闻消息,链上结构化产品 Ribbon Finance 推出新产品 Puts Theta Vault,Puts Theta Vault 出售看跌期权,用户只需将 USDC 存入智能合约,Ribbon 每周自动完成该期权策略。Ribbon 计划之后将会提供以 ETH 或 WBTC 等非 USDC 资产抵押的 Puts Theta Vaults。

链闻注,Theta Vault 是一个专注于 ETH 和 BTC 的收益策略,用户只需要将资产存入智能合约,就会自动开始运行特定的期权策略,减轻了 Gas 费用过高的问题。

原文链接:链上结构化产品 Ribbon 将推出基于看跌期权的资管产品 Puts Theta Vault

bookmark_borderDeri Protocol 支持 dForce 超额抵押稳定币 USX 作为衍生品交易保证金

链闻消息,去中心化衍生品交易协议 Deri Protocol (DERI)宣布与去中心化金融协议 dForce 合作,将支持 dForce 铸造的超额抵押稳定币 USX 作为其衍生品交易的保证金,USX 将被添加到 Deri 的基本代币列表中。

链闻注,Deri Protocol 是 DeFi 金融衍生品交易协议,⽬的是帮助用户在区块链上交易衍⽣品。

原文链接:Deri Protocol 支持 dForce 超额抵押稳定币 USX 作为衍生品交易保证金 与其他投资者注资 100 亿美元建立子公司 Bullish Global,计划年内上线加密货币交易所 Bullish

链闻消息, 与其他投资者注资 100 亿美元建立子公司 Bullish Global,并计划年内上线去中心化加密货币交易所 Bullish,该交易所将中心化交易所订单簿模式的高性能、用户隐私以及合规优势与 DeFi 市场架构下垂直整合的用户利益相结合,并提供新的 AMM、借贷与投资组合工具。此外,Bullish 将利用 EOSIO 与 EOS 公链为交易所上的所有交易提供可验证的,不可篡改的记录。

Bullish Global 价值 100 亿美元的资产中,包括 初始注入的一亿美元现金、164000 枚比特币与 2000 万枚 EOS,以及新一轮 3 亿美元的投资。最新一轮投资的机构包括 Thiel Capital、Founders Fund、Galaxy Digital 以及国际投行 Nomura,个人投资者包括 Alan Howard、Louis Bacon、Richard Li、Christian Angermayer,Peter Thiel、Alan Howard、Richard Li、Christian Angermayer 将担任公司高级顾问。

原文链接 与其他投资者注资 100 亿美元建立子公司 Bullish Global,计划年内上线加密货币交易所 Bullish

bookmark_borderChia network not so green? CPU mining reportedly destroys SSD in weeks

If you want to save the world, it’s going to take a lot of hard drives.

Chia Network (CHIA), which emerged onto the cryptocurrency scene with the promise of cleaning up the environmental mess left by Bitcoin (BTC) miners, may not be as green as it seems.

Unlike Bitcoin, Ether (ETH) and others, Chia Network mines coins using an alternative to the energy-intensive Proof-of-Work (PoW). Chia coins are produced using only hard drive storage, and don’t require specialized ASIC hardware, or GPUs.

But reports coming out of China point suggest that saving the environment isn’t as easy as it sounds when it comes to crypto. According to local outlet Fast Technology, the shelf-life of a standard 512GB SSD would be worn out after just 40 days of continuous CHIA mining, based on a data write volume of 256TB in that time period.

A 1TB hard drive would last around 80 days, while a 2TB hard drive would be expected to last around 160 days. Under normal conditions, such pieces of hardware would be expected to last the average customer around a decade.

Once a hard drive exceeds a certain data write volume, its consumer warranty protections become null and void. Hard drives typically ship with anywhere from 3–5 year warranties, yet Chia mining could invalidate such warranties in just over a month.

Fast Technology reports that hard drive manufacturers have begun rewriting the terms of their warranty agreements to reflect the reality of their components being used in CHIA mining. When CHIA commenced trading in early May, Chinese retailers suffered a shortage of hard drives which eventually pushed the cost of high-capacity drives (16TB) up to 6,000 yuan ($933).